Adam Ledger

Mr. Adam Ledger

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8 years, 283 days
Perth, Australia

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These are replies submitted by Adam Ledger

@mmcdara No absolutely this is very much what I had in mind (but was probably a little sleep deprived given the choice of subject) I found a book entitled "Book of Proof" by Richard Hammack that is I am finding just so easy to read, which is a huge credit to the author in that reading no doubt would be some sort of learning disability on my part, it's honestly the most difficult part of learning for me really, so I do want to start by reccomending that book. 


But secondly, I've never completely set aside the practice of studing number patterns, enumerating sequences, things of this nature, and this comes down to my value of what i think George Orwell called "double think" in that if you can neither give credence to the support or rejection to a proposition, but there exists some "object" for which it's truth value pertains to, there really is no benefit casting your vote either way, at the same time you still want to keep the idea floating around in your head if determining a truth value regarding it is of value to you.And the tendency is to reject it, because almost all such propositions made without axiomatic foundations will turn out to be garbage. 

And sometimes I have found there to middle ground which is even more difficult in the absence of a direct logical proof, for example just this week i was studying an integer sequence that I did indeed arrive at from a number of logical steps, but as far as an explicit proof for my final statement is concerned, I could only admit to myself that what I have done thus far falls short of what we consider proof in mathematics, so I did the only rational thing I could do and popped it up on stack exchange, and hopefully if someone does indeed reply with a counter example that shows the conjecture I made about these sequences to be false, then that will serve as a lesson as too why I must improve.


So it could absolutely happen, I don't think it will, but until I have completed a formal proof i consider vigourous, being one I am confident all others will see to be vigourous, (which thus far in my attempts has  involved alot of painfully complex statements of inequalities) I can only assume that it indeed could be the case that what i was thinking was complete garbage and all attachment to it is cognitive dissonance. Anyway this is the one i am referring to I save all worksheets by number now, so its hard at this point to find something by subject until i get a "library search engine" going that looks at the document properties for each one, so it is just alot easier for me to copy the link for my stack exchange post

@vv that's my whole point, I already found them easily. I just don't see how or why maple didn't do what i did, like it is only particular values on particular ranges, and i just find it very unusually that these particular values remain unevaluated, I already knew what their values should be based on my calculation, so at first i was worried when the output contained these unevaluated terms scattered amoungst the majority of which were evaluated.

Problem being, is if I were to be able to assertain why it occurs, this is an impossible task without knowledge of the line by line code for inbuilt functions. Because I am unable to debug inbuilt functions, I will probably never know why exactly they are not being evaluated until someone studies the exact same thing, makes the observation I made, and ammended the inbuilt functions to handle these cases accordingly by adding the one line or two lines of code I did to evaluate them.

My question is why they are such easily resolved bugs, when most are very difficult to work around compared to these.


Ok no problem I am happy you haven't given up hope, but from my personal experience originally having the habit of running code for anything up to 24 hours waiting for the output, occasionally getting it, occasionally not, i strongly reccomend working on the code until it returns in a reasonable time frame.

The benefit of this is two fold, firstly you will save alot of time in the long run and your interface will freeze less often. Secondly, your "style" of writing maple code will develop in such a manner that tends to a more computationally efficient result each time you approach a subject of investigation, for indeed much of the things I produced in my own style were quite good and based on fundamental principles of mathematics that are important, it was when I began interacting on this forum that I slowly began to realize that almost all of the code I wrote was computationally inferior to that written by some of the more experienced users here, and I am now still in the process of changing my habits and making improvements accordingly. But at first, this was most disappointing for me. 

So since you have only just begun using maple, I feel quite happy to know that I can prevent you from making the mistakes I did, and as a result, improve at a much faster rate!

Take a look at the CodeTools package, as well as some of the answers Carl Love submitted to questions that I posted on the forum over the past 2 years, his expertise will be invaluable to you in this regard.

@sand15 Yeah look I am exactly the same everything educational i am writing is using embeded components and once you get a handle on using the  DocumentTools package making them all interactive with one another is just that easy it makes using anything else to write software for that purpose a silly choice.

I mean yes for a long time i fussed over making it a stand alone plattorm but I've kind of decided that would be stupid in itself, because of how much I use maple it would be silly not to have an online education program that did'nt introduce the student to it. My ideas are certainly not a new thing the guys at one the local universities were doing something extremely similair about a decade ago,when I attempted to be a legitimate student for approx 5 years, but yes my stuff is really orientated around a self learning setting for learning to to analyze and interelate investigations of the students choice, but with a number of features that "forces" the student to do things that I did not originally make concrete habits of when i began.

Which finally brings me to the point, the reason i wanted the dialog window, is that i had envisaged that upon the student completing a statement or lemma expressed algebraically as a function, set, equation etc, the box automatically opens prompting them to write a sentence of a minimum number of words explaining the algebraic expression, all of it's variables, anything relevant whether it be a step a proof they are giving, or simply remarking on observations if its as simple as a finite sequence of numbers, the point being is i would often write the math,but completely neglect to write any explainatory commentary about it or it's derivation, and when returning to it sometime later, had completely forgotten why and how exactly i entered the expression, that being an obvious disadvantage as you can imagine. 

@tomleslie  ok but can you explain  for me the necessity for del A as parameter here, I just can't see where it plays a role in any of the commands that are executed, and just from a math view i don't see what purpose it serves when all of the other terms in each of the intergration ranges are either rationals or algebraic expressions of the variables yet to be intergrated for.

Like is it to be considered an infintesimally small positive increment? If so, and it is a constant function, why can't we just take the limit to zero and exclude it?


@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Yeah that's fine I'm sure you were made a moderator based soley on your qualities of character and mathematical calibre, and this would definately be a merit based system which has no bearing on any internal business matters, and I also acknowledge  there is no such thing as nepotism in any organisation, ever, at any level.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 


Look. The user that commented prior to you, amougst quite a number of others here, have my complete attention when they provide constructive critical commentary. He or she states concisely why he or she  sees the content to be inadequate or incorrect, and that is all that is said.

In contrast, you have often responded with a rhetorical statement that contains adjectives that are loaded with emotional triggers,for example "nothing" and "useless". And you then select another  approach by making a remark regarding another CAS interface which I am not familair with, nor am I concerned with.

So I will leave it there rather than respond with any sign of concern for this, if Acer feels it is the right decision to delete this post then he or she will do so and I hope to recieve their guidance again at some point in the future, and I appreciate that they brought to my attention I have not expressed myself in an adequately concise way here.


Oh and btw, I did not wish to disclose this particular selection of code, that is why it was omitted.If you can refer me to personal work of your own that has been published, I am sure you would understand that work you have put effort into is not to be shared on a forum.

Correct Acer a mathematician most definately should not consider that. But I am speaking about consideration on an intuitive basis, and I agree that I should have used the term inductive reasoning in that statement you quoted.

But a student is not a mathematician from the very start, and I was aiming this at anyone that studies unguided by those with a formal education for whatever reason or another, because in this circumstance it is not always easy for the individual to self identify fallacies,such as the very difference that Acer correctly pointed out.

At a much younger age, this difference was not perfectly clear to me, and i would study numerical patterns and make generalizations about them which did not have any real number theoretic foundation, and would lead no where of significance. 

So to answer the second question, that is the target audience for this post. So if you do find it useless, then so be it, I respect your right to an opinion, just as I have the right to discard yours as worthless to me in consideration of all correspondence between us thus far Markiyan.

@sand15 ok thanks yes i ended up discarding the idea of having a dialog window open all together and went with a text box for each entry in the main interface, I will probably work it out as so there is a button to store the content and clear the text box when the student has finished writing the commentary for that database entry, and then later down the track an option for them to pop open a window containing the cumulative total of what they wrote for an expression they have requested to see their notes for

It's main goal is really to put less pressure on things that tend to be difficult for a person with learning difficulties like i have faced, so the project is probably not going to have much of a range of appeal amoungst seasoned maple users that can just work from the raw interface easily, it's more to do with an educational assistance tool that encourages the students organisational skills to be kept in functional operation, for people who tend to slide into disorder on occassions or every 3rd day lol.

also i dont have Maple 18 either but u should be able to get an old version from somewhere on the net I am pretty sure they are open source now. 



Ok well this is how i tweaked your code and although I am not getting any errors, the code is taking a considerably long time to return output when executed, which tends to be my signature move when I naively attempt the use of a particular function, the only one i ever use that is in the statistics package is the 5 point data summary really.

I would prefer to attempt this from an entirely numerical basis first personally, seeings that you will get to a point where you need to accept that the software cannot compute literally anything by being fed a huge number of variables any which way you like, I like to try and imagine that I live in a time in history before this technology was available to us, and that maple is another person much faster and more meticulous than I am at computation, but, despite being so, will get frustrated and kick me out of the library if i don't articulate myself in a concise step by step manner, simplifying each task i give them,  and breaking down the problem into as many simplified individual procedures as it possibly can be, in doing so making their task much easier. When I keep this in mind and start to imagine having to do this level of complexity computationally without the assistance of the software, I suddenly feel alot less concerned about the error messages or problems I am having with the code I have written.


There are others that frequently help others on the forum which are far more experienced that I am, I'm sure if you wait for a few days someone will be able to help you.




F := proc (x, beta, eta, epsilon, `ε`) options operator, arrow; tan(beta)^2*exp(-Pi*tan(beta)^2*((x-epsilon)^2+`ε`^2)/eta^2)/eta^2 end proc:

IntergrateF := proc () do int(int(int(F(x, beta, eta, epsilon, `ε`), eta = 22.83-sqrt((5.83+`ΔA`)^2-epsilon^2) .. 22.83+sqrt((5.83+`ΔA`)^2-epsilon^2)), epsilon = -5.83-`ΔA` .. 5.83+`ΔA`), `ε` = -1 .. 1) end do end proc;

proc () do int(int(int(F(x, beta, eta, epsilon, `ε`), eta = 22.83-sqrt((5.83+`ΔA`)^2-epsilon^2) .. 22.83+sqrt((5.83+`ΔA`)^2-epsilon^2)), epsilon = -5.83-`ΔA` .. 5.83+`ΔA`), `ε` = -1 .. 1) end do end proc


Statistics[NonlinearFit](IntergrateF(), datax, datay, x);





@Dora390  sure well don't be disheartened by things when they don't work, and you will find that learning how to use each package in a way that optimizes it's benefit to your study actually takes quite a bit of time in itself, but more often than not you will find something in the help pages that will enable to to achieve the result you want, at least for me i know that this is the case, and I try to read the help page a few times to be sure it doesn't specify what it is i am having difficulty with and why.

Ok i have never actually used this package specifically so ill need to copy and paste your code and have a play with it to actually resolve the problem for you, but I have encountered this kind of error message before in other contexts.

Basically the function you are calling does not accept the type of variable you are giving for input for the intergration range, so you want to try and implement the convert command in your code so that the input is in an accepted form when the function that asks for an "intergration range" recieves the values. 

It looks like you are giving floating point values, perhaps try convert(your current integration range input, 'rational')


@Carl Love that's the trouble it's natural for me to take interest when something is obscure in nature, so my observations are always slightly not on the mark or way off at first because my brain has a natural habit formed of looking for the less obvious only trouble is... it's pretty easy to make a fool of me on the basics. making fundamental changes to yourself is really tough. just yesterday i got a text from an old girlfriend that said, ïf you really loved me, you would accept everything about me, and love me no matter how i treated you" and i just feel lost there because I have been trying to be an active role in the online mathematics community. and this is not how things work there as you know, in fact its almost as if there is a universally accepted rule of thumb that nobody under any circumstances is ever required to entirely accept anothers views and what have you, i really think how mathematics is done often has a lesson to teach about the best ethical system a community can live by, but you never get a very pleasant response if you start discussing numbers in the context of things related to human emotion!

@Carl Love i can appreciate his lack of concern there there a many a times if felt it completely unnecessary to worry myself about more than a few arthmetic steps of enumeration, if i keep in mind that people love the factorization of big bois in my learning process all the time keeping that of key focus, one could argue the case against all these Euler product bullies that it's a form of cognititive dissonance that is supported by the publically identiftable value in the the application of large number factorization in encrytption systems hence it has a percievable economic value, but none the less no more important to learn about for the student :-P

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