
MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Christopher2222

Can I force the output of maple to follow a specific width?

For example, I want the output to go to a new line after 10 characters of output

So instead of


I want the output as


One might be flabbergasted by the following


Colors dosn't appear to match values given from this wavelength to rgb converter from here

Although the color is in agreement when converting the value given back into a color value.

So in maple WavelengthToColor(622) does not match the color above however (heads up using the method="linear" option makes it closer) if we go through the paces and convert #ff6f00 to a color, it comes out properly.  One might think is something wrong with the WavelengthToColor command?





Ok the color seems right but that's not what WavelengthToColor(622) gives


So as it turns out using method=linear makes it closer.

Time is short I haven't time to compose the question properly but likely has something to do with the HSV Colorspaces.  It's confusing.

If I type seq(i,i=1..1000) <enter> I get a large output.

Then when I type

for i from 1 to 5 do
end do;

It takes Maple 8 seconds to complete the job.  Is this normal when using Windows 7?

Did Maple just end the links to older maple manuals? 

I can't locate the link to find older maple manuals on the maplesoft website.  Did it get moved?  I can't find it.  Does anyone have a link?

I would have thought the arcsin(sin(x)) = sin(arcsin(x)).

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